“In a move that has sparked a fresh wave of controversy, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s recent decision to eliminate fuel subsidies has raised concerns about a potential crisis. The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) leadership has responded by declaring their intent to probe the payments made for imported fuel during the tenure of former President Muhammadu Buhari.”
This was disclosed by NLC president, Joe Ajaero, after an emergency National Executive Council (NEC), meeting held in Abuja on Friday.
He said, “We are going to probe subsidy payments in the last eight years, at least that under the immediate past administration of Muhammadu Buhari because nobody seems to be looking in that direction.”
Expressing deep concern, Ajaero highlighted that numerous state governors were still failing to comply with the N30,000 minimum wage, while the government appeared to be oblivious to the fact that more than half of Nigeria’s population was grappling with multidimensional poverty.